May 5

Add an Extra 15k – 20k per month to your Existing Business with Rana Saini


Rana Saini is a LinkedIn marketing expert who has helped numerous business owners add an extra $15,000-$20,000 per month to their existing revenue.

In a recent conversation with him, the topic of starting a business from scratch and quickly adding revenue came up. This led to an insightful discussion about the key elements required to achieve this goal.

Firstly, it’s important to identify your perfect future customer.

This involves understanding who would be most likely to buy from you…

And building a database of these people.

This can be achieved through engagement and conversations with potential customers.

Once you have identified your perfect future customer, the next step is to develop a clear and compelling offer.

This offer should be designed to meet the needs and wants of your ideal customer and communicate the value that your product or service can provide.

The final step is to win these clients by positioning yourself as a valuable solution to their needs.

This involves creating a strong and effective marketing strategy that communicates the benefits of your offer and provides a clear call to action that encourages potential customers to take the next step.

In summary, the key elements required to quickly add revenue to an existing business include identifying your perfect future customer, developing a compelling offer, and winning these clients by positioning yourself as the prize.

Join Rana’s 5 Day Challenge and create a High Converting Offer here.


Influencer Project, linkedin, Rana Saini, Revenue

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