This is a content marketing tip for the business owners (especially the consultants) who just don’t know how much of their valuable IP they should give away in their content marketing.

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Follow these four prompts to create a lead magnet for your business in mere minutes.

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Hey there! Want to learn how to build trust with potential clients and guide them through the customer journey using content marketing?

Want to create a lead-grabbing cheat sheet in just five simple steps? We’ve got you covered.

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If you want attract better quality clients, you need a stage in your funnel called the triage.

This is a way to help you avoid the tire kickers and the time wasters. It will help you collect valuable intelligence data insights, and of course, it’s going to help you have better conversations with potential clients.

Now the triage stage can be managed as a conversation, and that’s what most people do they just pick up the phone or jump on a zoom call and have a conversation. Me. I prefer to manage this stage as an online form.

The best triage forms have 10 ingredients and you can see those ingredients on the screen right now. If you’d like to see a live example of a triage form, find the link in my bio and click that and follow the steps.

I personally believe that having a triage form is the most important piece of an online funnel because it will help you save time gathering sites and it will position you as the prize

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There are a whole bunch of reasons for having a content marketing strategy: It’s a hyper efficient way to get leads (without you chasing), you get to boost your authority (without the need to hype yourself) and, if released intelligently, you can accelerate client decisions.

That’s what this B2B Masterclass is all about.

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