Simplify & Accelerate
...the Entire B2B Client Journey

Take control of every step at every stage in your client’s journey.

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B2B Dash works with

b2b dash and xero
b2b dash and mailchimp
gsuite office365 crm integration for b2b business
b2b dash and woocommerce crm

Get 100 Leads in 10 Days [Free Roadmap]

Unlock 10 strategies that can be easily launched as ONE STRATEGY PER DAY over ten days. Each strategy builds on the last. 

Get fully booked with the right leads quicker

What mechanisms do you have in place to capture leads? Or do you just wait for them to come to you? will help you create high converting lead capture forms, pre-qualify the lead and then book the appointment using your own company branded booking page.

Nami Clarke - Copywriter B2B Dash Happy Client

"I've more than doubled my rates, my bookings have gone up, and I now have better-fit clients who value my services and expertise more and more. I now have an actual waiting-list! "
- Nami Clarke, Marketing Agency Owner

Deliver value +
Close deals faster

On average, it now takes 7 hours of engagement and 11 interactions, across 4 locations, to sell a complex product or service. Our clients do it in far less time, with far fewer ‘touches’. With,  you can now create automated email sequences to build trust and rapport.

"Last week, I got 5 new leads from people who opted in to my lead magnet, using my Dash lander, and I knew that I didn't need to do a thing because my email sequence is automated in Dash."
- Louise Davis, Leadership Trainer

Retain ideal clients and increase revenue

What mechanisms do you have in place to keep your existing clients happy? It’s 16 times more expensive to sign a new client than it is to re-engage a past client. helps keep all your clients feeling loved, especially when they need it the most! It's the ultimate B2B CRM.

Anna b2b dash client manager

"It's saving me at least 10 hours a week in admin time as I can easily put deals and people in various workflows and see where I’m up to with all of my clients which is invaluable during very busy periods."
- Anna Skaroupka, Email Marketing Specialist

“Regardless of your technical ability, you are going to get an end to end result. I was really amazed at how easy and complete it is.

- John Weichard,  Product Development Consultant

Get started today

Get a FREE B2B Funnel Mapping Session to totally demystify the steps and stages of a high-performing B2B sales and marketing funnel.

Your questions answered

Can you do the setup for me?

Yes! The SETUP PACK is the most popular option for business owners who value the support and guidance of a specialist. For $997, a dedicated member of our team will do the heavy-lifting for you, starting with a PRIVATE FUNNEL MAPPING CALL (to devise your own personalized strategy), followed by a 90-MINUTE SETUP SESSION (where we build the essential ingredients of any highly successful B2B funnel).

This is your opportunity to build a lead-generating Landing Page, assemble a data-capturing Diagnostic, create am eyeball-grabbing Booking Form and launch your first trust-building Email Sequence. Plus, as part of this pack, you will also get 3 MONTHS of the B2B DASH PRO PLAN, valued at $297 a month, at no extra cost. (That’s $891, over three months). In other words, for a few extra dollars, you can get it done, and quickly, with the support of a specialist consultant.

I’m really new to this stuff. Can you help with strategy?

Great question! Technology is nothing unless you have a sound strategy to guide you. That’s why, in partnership with the B2B School, each plan is supported by a Strategic Training Pack. When you sign up to the STANDARD PLAN, you will unlock our ‘FIRST FUNNEL’ CHALLENGE training program. The PROP PLAN comes with our 90-DAY DASH PROGRAM, plus our EMAIL TEMPLATE swipe file. The SETUP PLAN comes with ALL THAT plus access to out Private Group Mentoring Calls. That way, you get the TECHNOLOGY and the STRATEGIC INSIGHTS you need to succeed.

What if I want to switch plans? Is that okay?

Definitely. Most users of B2B Dash start on the STANDARD PLAN and then graduate to the PRO PLAN. And, of course, if you want to start with the PRO PLAN or SETUP PACK and access the BONUS TRAINING and SUPPORT, you can downgrade from PRO to STANDARD later. We have no lock-ins, so you can upgrade, downgrade or quit any time. Just send us and email and we’ll make that happen!

If I don’t want to use B2B Dash anymore, can I export my leads and contacts?

Of course! This goes both ways. You can export and import contacts when using B2B Dash.

Can I use B2B Dash to replace my existing Landing Page Builder… or my Diagnostic Builder… or my Appointment Booking Tool… or my Payment Cart Builder… or my Payment Merchant… or my Email Auto-Responder Tool? Or my… hang on? You do all of those things, right?

Yes. There are MANY tools available to help B2B business owners, ranging from $30 a month… to $3,000 a month! With B2B Dash, you get access to all the most important tools, plus you can now monitor all the data in one place. That’s why we call B2B Dash the Ultimate Dashboard for B2B Client
Acquisition and Onboarding. It’s the complete suite plus a dashboard that can’t be beat.