Are you thinking of using a quiz as a way to generate leads? Please do not do this.

Now this is especially true if you’re in the b2b space. Maybe you’re a consultant. Maybe you run an agency. If you sell knowledge and expertise and you’re thinking, You know what, I’d like to try running a quiz as a way to generate leads and pre qualify leads. Please do not call it a quiz. It sounds really frivolous, and like it’s probably going to be a waste of our time. Don’t call it a quiz.

Instead, try some of these words diagnostic checklist, or even a pre qual diagnostic and checklist. If you selling a complex product or service it pays to let people know that you are serious that you are commercial that you are in the business of doing business.

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I was just speaking to a client of mine and they’ve got this great new idea for a startup the target audience is a horse trainers. Now, this is a business that’s involved in a professional services industry already.

But they’ve seen this opportunity to create something, there’s a gap, the markets there, be very easy to create an MVP. My recommendation for this person who’s on the fence was this. Make that audience the focus of your core business, so that you can build the list. Build the list of that audience so that when you are ready, if you do still feel like it’s a good idea of the Passion still there.

You’re not going to launch the crickets. Build the audience, then launch do not go by the Field of Dreams approach. If you build it, they will come no build the list, build the audience. Then you can test ideas with a captive captive audience and you won’t be launching to crickets.

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I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but most business owners that sell a complex product or service really struggle to vet down their target audience.

If you’re looking a way to really dial this in here’s little test that we call the doctor on the plane test. Now, if you jumped on a plane and you said, is there a doctor on the plane, the doctor puts up their hand and the Doctor of Philosophy does not put up their hand.

People who are doctor know who they are, they put up their hand. If you jumped on a plane and you said, Are there any purpose driven socially focused entrepreneurial leaders on the plane? People just kind of look at each other funny.

So does your target audience satisfied the doctor on the plane test? If you call out their name? Do they sit up and pay attention

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In this 18 minute tutorial, I share a strategy that we use to consistently attract and gather 100 high-quality, highly targeted B2B leads every week on Facebook without running ads.

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If you’re pulling together some sort of lead generating form, here’s a hot tip… Gamify it. What do I mean by that? I mean don’t start with the hard questions first.

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