Awesome! Your B2B Mapping Call has now been booked. 

What now? Read this ENTIRE page. Scroll down.


Make sure you set aside the time. Check your email inbox. Add the session to your work calendar now! Some people book their strategy call on a whim, sometimes late at night, and then forget they actually did it. Indeed, about 20% of people who book calls like this don't show up. Don't be that type of person. It's just plain rude! We want to help, but we're not much help if you don't show up to the call.


Watch the pre-call materials and other mini lessons. We only have 45 minutes, and we don't want to waste our time together talking about the basics. We want you to have at least a rudimentary understanding of B2B sales and marketing fundamentals. The worst case scenario is that you will be better informed when pursuing ALL your sales and marketing ambitions. Click here to watch the first video.


Complete the Questionnaire. This is important. You must complete this questionnaire BEFORE the call. If we do NOT receive a complete questionnaire form from you at least 24 hours before your call, there's a strong chance we will cancel the meeting. You booked this meeting for a reason. And we do NOT provide the option to reschedule. Complete the three steps and make this moment count. Unlock form here.